

To make money on bet on Dota 2, you need to understand the game and know its best players. Both the first and the second type of knowledge can be obtained by viewing the aforementioned Dota 2 international championships, in which the best players in the world compete. Any broadcast with a famous commentator (such as TobiWan) will give you more information than any other source, as they know more about sports than any of the professionals. We also recommend viewing tournament qualifications to see second-level professionals and learn more about potential stars. On liquipedia.net you can find in-depth statistics about any match. On this page you will find statistics on one round of the wild competition of this year's International Championship. Important statistics include the following information:

  • Kills (K - kills)
  • Deaths (D - deaths)
  • Help (A - assists)
  • Last hits (LH - last hits)
  • Gold per minute (GPM - gold per minute)
  • Experience per minute (XPM - experience per minute)

Looking at the statistics, remember what role each character played and what kind of hero he was. The person who played kerry is likely to get a very high level of LH, compared to other members of their team, whereas the one who played support, this indicator will be low. Dota 2, like all esports, is in its infancy. The idea of betting on video games is completely new. You may need to do a lot more legal work to bring it to life, but it is already in the information space, so there will definitely be someone who wants to put their efforts into it. And this someone will be able to get an amazing income.

Dota 2 MMR and ranking system explained - Dot Esports


MOBA is a combination of role-playing and real-time strategy games. Each Dota 2 match consists of ten players in a 5 by 5 format. Each team controls one of two bases, which constantly sends computer-controlled "creeps", or small combat units. These creeps move along three roads that connect the bases, and they attack players and towers that are controlled by opposing teams. Towers are structures that are placed at strategic points of collision on three main roads. The placement of these structures and bases in Dota 2 is the same for each game. The first team that can destroy the "ancients" (the central building), which are located on the basis of the opponent's team, will be the winner.

Players control one hero out of 100 available to choose from, each of which has its own unique abilities. Throughout the match, they reach different levels, killing creeps and other players, which allows you to unlock new abilities. Killing other players is a source of income, which has a “last blow", and the money received can be spent on things that will help improve the hero's statistics. Heroes are classified according to their roles:

  • Kerry is, as a rule, weak heroes who grow to become stronger by the end of the match. In the last stages of the game, they must lead their team to victory.
    Initiators are characters whose characteristics are most effective at the very beginning of "team battles”" or when most of the players of each team participate in one shootout.
  • Supports are heroes who help their colleagues with healing spells.
    Disablers are supports that are able to temporarily keep enemy heroes from performing certain actions.
  • Line supports - help their team "carry" heroes with killing units and players at the beginning of the game.
  • Tanks can withstand more damage than other heroes.
  • Nukers are able to cope with significant damage even in the early stages, through the use of powerful and consistent damage-causing abilities.
    Pushers are most suitable for destroying towers and competing for control of the map.
  • Escapes have abilities that allow them to move in an unusual way around the territory.

The most important thing to remember about these roles is that they are not clearly defined. In each role classification there are many branches (such as semi-carry and "absolute" carry, etc.). Each character can play at least two of these roles, or even more. But none of them can perform all the roles.

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